请使用支持JavaScript的浏览器! Applied Genetics Laboratories, Inc代理-苏州蚂蚁淘实验试剂有限公司-蚂蚁淘商城

Applied Genetics Laboratories, Inc代理-苏州蚂蚁淘实验试剂有限公司

产品特点: Applied Genetics Laboratories, Inc北京代理,Applied Genetics Laboratories, Inc上海代理,Applied Genetics Laboratories, Inc中国代理,Applied Genetics Laboratories, Inc广东代理,Applied Genetics Laboratories, Inc代理,Applied

关键字:Applied Genetics Laboratories, Inc北京代理,Applied Genetics Laboratories, Inc上海代理,Applied Genetics Laboratories, Inc中国代理,Applied Genetics Laboratories, Inc广东代理,Applied Genetics Laboratories, Inc代理,Applied Genetics Laboratories, Inc一级代理 ,Bovine Hybloc? DNA ,Chicken Hybloc? DNA,Canine Hybloc? DNA,Canine Hybloc? DNA,Human Hybloc? DNA,Human Female Metaphase,Human Hybloc? DNA,Human Male Metaphase,Mouse Hybloc? DNA,Ovine Hybloc? DNA,Porcine Hybloc? DNA,Rat Hybloc? DNA

:http://www.appliedgenetics。。com/公司名称:pplied Genetics Laboratories公司介绍:The AGL Cytogenetic Team LeadersLisa M Davis, PhD, DABCCPresident, CEODr. Davis did her graduate work in molecular biology and genetics at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, on identifying mutations in coagulation factor genes, and her postgraduate work at the Roswell Park Cancer Institute on mapping and identifying genes associated with human disease and chromosome aberrations. She worked at AGL for more than a decade as a project principal investigator on gene mapping and mutation identification techniques in the mouse, and has recently returned after 10 years at Exagen Diagnostics where she developed new gene-based clinical assays using genomic and expression micro-array data, and served as Clinical Laboratory Director. She is well versed in both clinical and research regulatory issues related to CLIA and FDA approvals, and is certified by the American Board of Clinical Chemistry in molecular diagnostics.

产品列表huohao pingming baozhuang jiage pingpaiBHB Bovine Hybloc? DNA 500ug 2400 appliedgenetics2015CHB Chicken Hybloc? DNA 500ug 2400 appliedgenetics2015DHB Canine Hybloc? DNA 500ug 2400 appliedgenetics2015HB/SHuman Hybloc? DNA + 5 Human Metaphase Slides 500ug+5 Slides 4180 appliedgenetics2015HFM Human Female Metaphase 5 Slides 2400 appliedgenetics2015HHB Human Hybloc? DNA 500ug 2400 appliedgenetics2015HMMHuman Male Metaphase 5 Slides 2400 appliedgenetics2015MHB Mouse Hybloc? DNA 500ug 2400 appliedgenetics2015OHB Ovine Hybloc? DNA 500ug 2400 appliedgenetics2015PHB Porcine Hybloc? DNA 500ug 2400 appliedgenetics2015RHB Rat Hybloc? DNA 500ug 2400 appliedgenetics2015

信息:: ::fige007

苏州蚂蚁淘实验试剂有限公司实验试剂一站式采购服务商1:强大的进口辐射能力,血清抗体耗材、大部分限制进口品等。2:产品种类齐全,经营超过700多个品牌,基本涵盖所有生物实验试剂耗材。3:提供加急服务,货品一般1-2周到货。4:富有竞争力的价格优势,绝大部分价格有优势。5:多年积累良好的信誉,大部分客户提供货到付款服务。客户包括清华、北大、交大、复旦、中山等100多所高校,ROCHE,阿斯利康、国药、fisher等知名药企。6:我们还是Santa,Advanced Biotechnologies Inc,Athens Research Technology,bangs,BBInternational,crystalchem,dianova,FD Neurotechnologies,Inc. FormuMax Scientific,Inc, Genebridege, Glycotope Biotechnology GmbH; iduron,Innovative Research of America, Ludger, neuroprobe,omicronbio, Polysciences,prospecbi, QA-BIO,quickzyme,RESEARCH DIETS,INC,sterlitech;sysy,TriLink BioTechnologies,Inc;worthington-biochem,zyagen等几十家国外公司授权代理。7:我们还是invitrogen,qiagen,abcam,sigma;neb,roche,merck, rnd,BD, GE,pierce,BioLegend等知名大品牌批发,欢迎合作。

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