请使用支持JavaScript的浏览器! NovaUltra Golgi-Cox Stain Kit 货号:IW-3023 品牌:Ihcworld -Equl意果_易扩_AdvancedBioMatrix_DivBio_Drummond_Genie_Glascol_Megazyme_Phadebas_Worthington-蚂蚁淘商城

NovaUltra Golgi-Cox Stain Kit 货号:IW-3023 品牌:Ihcworld -Equl意果_易扩_AdvancedBioMatrix_DivBio_Drummond_Genie_Glascol_Megazyme_Phadebas_Worthington


The Golgi-Cox Kit is designed for the staining of neuronal dendrites and dendritic spines on fresh or paraformaldehyde fixed brain tissues. The Kit has been extensively tested on both fresh and paraformaldehyde fixed brain tissues in rats and mice and should work on other species as well. The impregnation will take 10-14 days depending on the age and size of the tissues. The Kit only contains two ready-to-use reagents and the protocol is easy to follow and the staining quality is excellent.

The kit components:

Golgi-Cox Solution - 250 ml Post-Impregnation Solution - 250 ml

本文链接: https://wap.ebiomall.com/b34-biomatrix/info-1492831368.html

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