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...Methylation Quantification Kit (Colorimetric) (48 reactions)

m6ARNA甲基化定量检测试剂盒(比色法)EpiQuikm6ARNAMethylationQuantificationKit(Colorimetric)(48reactions) DeepBio得分 是基于文献引用次数,影响因子,文献新近度等因素计算的客观产品评级,得分越高表明该产品经过越可靠的实验验证,质量可信度越高 Epigentek集团公司是全球领先的创新技术和表观遗传学相关研究产品的开发商和供应商。公司开发了包括400多个专利产品的全面的产品组合,为表观遗传学方面的研究和新药研发提供全面系统的解决方案。作为Epigentek集团中国区域的代理,艾德科技将其引入中国,作为其中国区域代理,将为客户提供完整的表观遗传解决方案,产品包括表观遗传研究用分析试剂盒、抗体以及相关的抑制剂/拮抗剂等产品。同时我们作为多家国际知名品牌的的中国代理或区域代理,艾德科技能为您提供系列的实验解决方案。更多产品请参考官网:www.aderr.com m6A RNA甲基化定量检测试剂盒(比色法) 货号:A-P-9005 EpiQuik m6A RNA Methylation Quantification Kit (Colorimetric) 背景资料:N6-methyl-adenosine (m6A) is the most common and abundant modification in RNA molecules present in eukaryotes. The m6A modification is catalyzed by a methyltransferase complex METTL3 and removed by the recently discovered m6A RNA demethylases FTO and ALKBH5, which catalyze m6A demethylation in an -ketoglutarate ( -KG)- and Fe2+-dependent manner. It was shown that METTL3, FTO, and ALKBH5 play important roles in many biological processes, ranging from development and metabolism to fertility. m6A accounts for more than 80% of all RNA base methylations and exists in various species. m6A is mainly distributed in mRNA and also occurs in non-coding RNA such as tRNA, rRNA, and snRNA. The relative abundance of m6A in mRNA transcripts has been shown to affect RNA metabolism processes such as splicing, nuclear export, translation ability and stability, and RNA transcription. Abnormal m6A methylation levels induced by defects in m6A RNA methylase and demethylase could lead to dysfunction of RNA and diseases. For example, abnormally low levels of m6A in target mRNAs due to increased FTO activity in patients with FTO mutations, through an as-yet undefined pathway, contributes to the onset of obesity and related diseases. The dynamic and reversible chemical m6A modification in RNA may also serve as a novel epigenetic marker of profound biological significance. Therefore, more useful information for a better understanding of m6A RNA methylation levels and distribution on RNA transcripts could benefit diagnostics and therapeutics of disease. 产品描述:In this assay, total RNA is bound to strip wells using a RNA high binding solution. m6A is detected using specific capture and detection antibodies. The detected signal is enhanced and then quantified colorimetrically by reading the absorbance in a microplate spectrophotometer at a wavelength of 450 nm. The amount of m6A is proportional to the OD intensity measured.Both negative and positive RNA controls are provided in this kit. A standard curve can be performed (range: 0.02 to 1 ng of m6A) or a single quantity of m6A can be used as a positive control. Because m6A content can vary from tissue to tissue, and from normal and diseased states, or vary under treated and untreated conditions, it is advised to run replicate samples to ensure that the signal generated is validated. This kit will allow the user to quantify an absolute amount of m6A and determine the relative m6A RNA methylation states of two different RNA samples。 1 类似于Elisa步骤的比色法检测方法方便快速。整个操作步骤可在3小时45分钟内完成; 2 高灵敏,检测的最低下限低至10pg 的 m6A ; 3 独特的结合液容许 70 ngt 的RNA紧紧的结合在孔板上,可以定量检测来自mRNA和ncRNA,如:tRNA,rRNA和snRNA; 4.优化的抗体和增强剂溶液可以特异的定量检测m6A,对于特定片段腺苷浓度范围的未甲基化样本RNA不会产生交叉反应; 5.通用的阴性和阳性对照,对于来自任何种属的m6A都可以实现定量检测; 6.96可拆卸微孔板设计,使得研究人员可根据自己需要选择手动或是高通量模式分析; 7.操作简便,可信,分析条件始终如一。 参考文献: 1.Yuen KCet. al.(January 2016).NIPBL Controls RNA Biogenesis to Prevent Activation of the Stress Kinase PKR.Cell Rep.14(1):93-102. 2.Zhang Cet. al.(April 2016).Hypoxia induces the breast cancer stem cell phenotype by HIF-dependent and ALKBH5-mediated m6A-demethylation of NANOG mRNA.Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A.113(14):E2047-56. 3.Yin Het. al.(October 2016).Electrochemical immunosensor for N6-methyladenosine detection in human cell lines based on biotin-streptavidin system and silver-SiO2 signal amplification.Biosens Bioelectron. 4.Ishihara Yet. al.(November 2016).Hsa-miR-520d-5p promotes survival in human dermal fibroblasts exposed to a lethal dose of UV irradiationnpj Aging and Mechanisms of Disease.(2) 保存建议:在接收到艾德寄出的试剂盒后请按照说明书建议,使用不同的保存条件或温度来保存试剂盒内组分 定购信息: 关于5-hmC 5-hmC是近年来在动物组织中发现的,由胞嘧啶修饰而来。5-hmC在表观遗传学上的功能可能与5-甲基化胞嘧啶(5-mC)不同。尽管到现在为止还不确知其功能,有研究者猜测它在调控基因的表达与关闭过程中起着重要的作用。5-mC的发现让我们不得不重新评估DNA甲基信息,也不得不监测人类的健康组织和病理组织之间5-mC相对分布的差异。在EPI公司的MethylFlash技术之前,我们还没有发现任何直接的常规方法来检测5- hmC,以及区分5-hmC和5-mC 5-hmC 和 5-mC的区别 时下常用的DNA甲基化分析方法包括限制内切酶酶切和亚硫酸氢盐或MeDIP介导的MS-PCR和测序,这些技术都不适合用来检测5-hmC,因为它与5-mC事实上很难用这类方法区分开来。为了解决这个问题,EPIk研制了MethylFlash羟甲基化DNA定量试剂盒(荧光法)。本试剂盒提供了一种很经济的方法来检测5-羟甲基化胞嘧啶,并且区分5-hmC, 5-mC, 和 C,使得研究者能够重新评估他们的DNA甲基化信息,也能够在新样品中寻找DNA羟甲基化。 \"m6A RNA甲基化定量检测试剂盒(比色法) EpiQuik m6A RNA Methylation Quantification Kit (Colorimetric) (48 reactions)\"商品可能已被商家删除,您可查看其他相似商品!

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